Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's only a matter of time...

It is 2:30 pm on Tuesday afternoon and I am still waiting on Luke's arrival. He was supposed to come yesterday but evidently he wasn't ready to make his grand entrance into the world. Abigail told me today that as soon as he comes out "Mommy can roll again." Whatever that means!!! So it looks like for now I am 3 cm dilated just waiting for the time that I can "roll again." I will leave you with the one word that has been on my mind lately...EPIDURAL!!! Hope to see you all soon at the hospital!


Unknown said...

maybe that means that you will be able to roll down the hill with abigail and get a rash???

Michelle said...

I think we figured out that it means that I can get in the sleeping and roll out (like Dad used to do to us)!