Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dad has a pony it's it's feet are foundering, so the farrier came out and trimmed his feet and Dad has let the pony stay in the barn a little bit, so kids could see it and feed it. We feed the pony every morning and night. He loves it. Eli uses the wheelbarrow that Dad got him to carry the hay in.

Proud of feeding the pony! He just takes the wheelbarrow to the gate and leaves it.

This is Matt's Mom's brother, Hugh and Eli.

Well, I've had a lot of people ask me how the house was coming along. Well, it's going so much faster than I thought it was going too. All the rough plumbing is done, we found an electrician and he is moving fast, the boys framed most of the new addition Friday and Saturday. Matt and I are so thankful for our family and friends for helping us! We are grateful to God for them!

Here is the new addition Friday night after they were finished for the day.

Here is Eli smiling for the camera.


Some of ya'll may remember Shirley. She was my Dad's dog that got hit by a car a few months ago. Dad wanted to get some more puppies for the grandkids, so Friday night Dad, Ashley, Kaleb, and Abigail went to Greenville and bought two beagle pups. There is one boy and one girl. They are so stinkin' cute! Here are some pictures of the new pups.

Here is Eli so excited to meet the puppies for the first time.

Aren't they cute?

Well, he's starting to get a little scared of them...

Mom, help me!!!

Dad carrying Eli up to his house and the puppies following.

Jennifer with the little boy.

Eli holding the little girl. She is a little smaller than the boy. Yes, they are in our apartment. If you know Matt and I, that is surprising! We were OK with it.

Eli loves to help Pops bring in wood and when they bring the wood in, it's gets wood pieces every where, so Eli loves to clean it up. Here he is doing just that.


Here is just a couple of Easter pictures. I didn't take many at all! Thank you Lord for sending your son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins!

Eli with his Aunt Jennifer. I love this picture. It was great to see you Jennifer! Yes... those are Easter baskets and yes they were full of candy and little surprises. Thanks so much David and Judy!


amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

Eli looks so cute in his tie!

Anonymous said...

Cute kid, cute puppies. Pops pants are questionable

Frances Vineyard said...

Love his little tie! Eli has a very similar farm experience like Jack and Jake...lucky little boys!