Saturday, April 19, 2008

Our Trip to the Aquarium

Eli and I took a little trip to the aquarium last Friday. We had a great time and he really enjoyed himself.

Here he is running down the ramp. He just kept running and running.

More running...

Running again... he had a blast!

What's he looking at?

A shark!!!

Can you find him? I told him to stand on the platform and he didn't even come close to being able to see him. It was funny.

My little baby kangaroo.

He was scared of these things. Not exactly sure what they are. Sting rays maybe.

Here he is on the bridge outside of the aquarium. I have to find an ATM cause the garage where we parked took only cash.

So tired! I was asking myself why I took him when I knew he would sleep in the car and I wouldn't get to rest when we got home. But it was worth it. He had a great time!

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