Friday, April 13, 2007

Comparison, Easter baskets, and Where's Eli?

Well, I decided to put Eli back in his carrier, which he's been out of for a while. Our carrier goes up to 30lbs (which he's OK there), but he is way too long for it and has been. Here is a comparison.

Eli loves to play with his Easter baskets he got from everyone. He loves his big duck he got from Matt's Mom and Dad. He goes around the house saying "duck, egg..."

I put it on his head. He just kept laughing and laughing.

When he wakes up from his naps during the day, he's started hiding from me (not really cause I can see him, but he thinks he is). I snapped some snots of us playing hide and seek.

He's going to be walking soon. He takes steps all day long now. I guess it's just the waiting game now.

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Oh , he's talking! What else does he say? i can't wait to hear his little voice.