Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Playing outside, playing inside, and playing in the car.

Eli and I have been playing a lot outside lately. It's been so pretty. He's just getting over the croup again! He's teething as well and I pray that he gets all his teeth in that he is supposed to get in soon! He's got 14 or so now.
Here he is at Matt's old house. I park at their old house and walk and Eli just loves the tree. It's a big tree that they all used to climb.

He's probably looking at a bird or the big, huge rain cloud that came about 2 seconds after I took this picture.

Since he's been sick, he's been really sweet and clingy. I just stuck him in the chair and gave him his animals and he just loved it.

HIGH STEPPING! He's walks a little funny. He picks his feet way up when he walks. Reminds he of the marching bands.

He doesn't understand that he can't walk up hills yet. He kept trying and he just kept falling backwards.

I took some pictures of him the other day in the car. He was trying to put my sunglasses on.

Asleep in the car. He always sleeps with the blanket in his mouth.

Just smiling at ma ma. Oh, by the way, he started started saying ma ma the other day. I was wondering when it would be. It's so sweet :)

I snapped a picture of him sleeping the other week. He likes to sleep on his tummy with his bottom in the air.

I went outside to water my flowers the other day and he wouldn't come over the door, so I took a picture.


stephanie said...

High steppin' is right! it ranks as one of the top ten cutest things i have ever seen. It is up there with Luke chasing any kind of ball.... :)

Laura said...

I love the picture of Eli sleeping in the car with his blanket!

Michelle said...

He is so cute high steppin'! That is the cutest thing I've seen in a while! I hope he doesn't outgrow it..well at least not for a while! I love the last picture of him at the door...classic Eli face!