Monday, December 17, 2007

Sluss Family Christmas tree

As the tradition goes, we set out to find and cut down the perfect tree. It was Dec 1st and very cold! Even though most of the action went to kubby sophie had a ball just running everywhere!

Here is the whole gang in our winter garb. This is Clifton's mom and his stepdad allen. Or Nanna and pawpaw...

After we found the tree, which actually took a little while. Kaleb took his first go at the tree. He cut down his first tree and was absolutely delighted!

You can see the pure glee in this picture! I don't know if it was the tool or the rush of the "TIMBER" but he just loved it.

After all that hard work we needed to go back to the barn for some hot cocoa! The reindeer ears are also tradition, It is the only thing i brought to it. can you imagine getting a tree without wearing reindeer antlers? How did they ever do it for some long without me? he he he


Unknown said...

I want to start a family tradition cutting down trees! Look how big Kaleb looks! Love the reindeer antlers... it's so the Sluss'.

stephanie said...

You guys should just head out to I-75 and make it happen.....of course you would have to go at night....