Friday, January 18, 2008

Sickness again and more pictures

Last week was a rough week here in the Kirkpatrick household! Poor little Eli caught the poo poo bug and also had an ear infection. The doctor said he was on tract for tubes. We are praying that he grows out of it very soon! This is his second round of antibiotics for his ear infection. They say that when you have 6 ear infections in 6 months or 3 round of antibiotics for one ear infection. I trust in a sovereign God, so my hope is in God!

Here is Eli with Grandad. He's making his silly face.

Here is Eli in the Christmas gift that Mom and Sam got all the kids. He loves it.

Here is Eli laying in our bed last week while he wasn't feeling good. He always sleeps with his blanket in his mouth.

Here is Eli playing with his train. I can't figure out how to put it together. Matt knows, so I will learn from him.


stephanie said...

I can't put Kubby's train together either! That makes me feel good. bc you are quite a woman! I will pray for Eli's ears! Great to see you trusting in God, that is pleasing to God!

Trillia said...

Sorry Jan! I'll pray too- over dinner. What does "on the tract for tubes mean?"

Stephanie, Weston did something hilarious today that seems like something Kubby would do...I'll post about it in the next day or so.