Friday, June 08, 2007

Sippy cups, driving in the bed and more obsessions

Kaleb usually does not nap, but has "rest time". This is what i found when i opened the door this week! Doesn't he look rested?

Sophie has not been taking a sippie cup and is rapidly approaching "No Bottle" day. On Tuesday i prayed she would begin to take a sippie cup and by the next day she WAS!

Here she is just looking yucky! I had heard that girls were cleaner, but i can assure you this is NOT the case! She had noodles everywhere! Kaleb and i called her noodle head, he thought that was very funny...

Here she is up to more antics.... She has abandoned the golf ball and has become obsessed with kaleb's underwear. Clean, dirty, however, she grabs it and runs away. Here she is just after she stole some. Out of the laundry, off the bathroom floor while he potties, she just wants them!!! She also steals bandaids-right off the boo-b0o!


Unknown said...

The picture of her with noodles all over her face, looks just like you! Not that I've seen you with noodles all over your face... but you know.

stephanie said...

I usually do get noodles all over my face when i eat spaghetti!

Anonymous said...

That is so neat- God answering your specific prayer. I have a question-I'll post it here just in case other new mommies are wondering. Do you feed her milk or formula from the sippy cup? Weston only drinks out of the cup once a day and only drink watered down juice from it. I'm sure he'd do more if I gave it to him. Thanks! -Trill.