Thursday, June 07, 2007

Smokey, Steph's house, & Judy's Birthday.

Well, we've had a pretty busy week here at the Kirkpatrick house. We've had to look at houses and get everything scheduled for our house. When you sell your house you have to have a house inspection, termite letter, septic letter, an appraisal done and I'm sure much more. As of right now, we have one house that we are looking at. It needs a lot of work, but it's got 1.24 acres in a nice neighborhood in Clinton. So, we are going out there with Dad tonight and a contractor and have him quote some things. Eli, we think, picked up a little sickness from church again. He's just been pretty fussy this week. I thought it was teeth, but I'm thinking (or Michelle said he might have) a little sore throat. Eli's getting so fast. He ran the other day. He loves to go up and down David and Judy's gravel driveway. I don't know what he will do when they get concrete poured.

I ordered this head cover for Matt's driver and when I opened it, I thought it was tacky and big, so I showed it to Matt and see what he thought and Eli loved it. Matt said we have to keep it, cause Eli liked it.

Steph watched Eli while I went to have a follow-up appointment for my shoulder. He makes this face all the time. Well, I think he was a little mad is this picture, but most of the time he makes this face when he gets excited.

When I got back I watched Kaleb and Sophie and Steph went to vote.

Look at those eyes!

I think Kaleb's looking more and more like Clifton these days.

Tired Sophie.

Just walking around the house. It's kind of sad that Eli won't grow up in this house.

Eli was making a card for Judy. He loves to color!

Here he is handing Judy her card. He didn't want to let it go.

Jennifer had these delivered to Judy yesterday since she is in Nashville. They are beautiful!

Mom made Judy a cake. We were about to eat the cake. It was very yummy! Thanks Mom!

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