Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Zoo Animals

I forgot to add these in the last post.

What a mean looking penguin.

Big elephants. They eat whole Christmas trees. CRAZY!

Jeremy... oh, I mean a gorilla :)

Resting zebra's.


lillian said...

Jan everytime I read your posts I see that you are posting them at 4 or 5 am! IS that how early Eli gets up. or are you so very disciplined with your morning routine?
ANywho, that is early.

I jsut saw your first post on the zoo trip,..ELi looks like a perfect mix of you both.
Is he never NOT smiling???
He is the smiliest baby ever!!!
I could jsut eat those cheeks they are soo cute!
HAppy new year!
love lil

Unknown said...

Thanks Lillian. He does smile a whole lot! He's a happy baby. He usually gets up around 5:30am. I'm working on making that a little longer. I woke up this morning around 1:30am and didn't go back to sleep, so that's why I posted so early this morning. I'm tired :) He's got some cheeks on him.

amber@This Mommy Cooks said...

Jan I am LOVING being a mom! I think Jacks is looking more like me too. Jacks was sleeping until at least 5 for the past couple of weeks,and all of a sudden he wakes up a lot. I go in and put the pacifier in his mouth and he goes back to sleep. I guess I need to let him cry and let him figure out how to soothe himself back to sleep. Do you have any tips on getting them to sleep through the night?

stephanie said...

Amber, Jacks is still really small, isn't he? Your Dr. will tell you when they are ready. I am sure there are many dif schools of thougth, but i just got the go ahead to stop nursing sophie. She is 6 months old. That means she nurses at 11/12 and then not again until 4 or 5. If she wakes up at 2/3 then i just rock her a little and put her back down. Hopefully, Jacks will be like kaleb, though.

With Kaleb I could nurse him every two hours before he went to bed "tank him up" and he would sleep all night 9pm until 9 am! Starting at 1 month. Boy am i missing those days.