Wednesday, September 05, 2007

More Real Sickness and a Pretend Monster...

Sophie drew her 1st picture the other day, she does better at "not eating" than Kaleb does. Check out kaleb in the highchair, he still likes to sit in it sometimes.

Here they are having the 'twice daily' antibiotics. I just say " time to take your medicine" They come running and sit down on the kitchen floor. Sophie even giggles and rocks back and forth. They will be sad when the medicine is over :(

This is sophie playing, Where's sophie, her new favorite game. She does it all day long. I also thought she especially looks like Boo from Monsters, Inc. in this photo.

Kaleb has a "monster" in the backyard. All we can get out of him is that the monster is green and has a tail. He said the monster needed some water today, So we got some 'pretend water' from the limbs of our pear tree.

Then he laid it next to this tree. He also played with sophie's monster (The tree next to his) and gave her monster some water, which he said was pink water :) Clifton had an imaginary friend ( maybe he still does) so, he was very proud when kaleb met his a few weeks ago. I think all the sicknesses have made him hallucinate.... Or, we do live in Oak Ridge, there might just be a green monster in the backyard...


Laura said...

Sophie does look like Boo. So funny about Kubby and the monster.

stephanie said...

The monster's name is Dragon, that is the LATEST information :) He is not really that creative with nomenclature yet.