Sunday, November 05, 2006

My little sick boy

Eli's been coughing since about Wednesday and it was getting worse. So we went to the doctor Friday, but they said his lungs were clear. So, I called and asked a nurse what kind of cough medicine that I should give him, cause the kind I had wasn't working and she asked me to count how many times he was breathing. I did and she said that it was high and the doctor wanted to see him. So, with 7 min. left in UT's ball game, we loaded up the car and headed for Children's Hospital. Long story short, they took a chest x-ray and found Pneumonia. I have to give him a breathing treatment every 4 hours and he's on antibiotics. He's pitiful! I just can't believe how fast it came on. Please just pray for a speedy recovery! Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

I will pray right now! I'm sorry Jan.

Unknown said...

Thank you guys! He seems to be doing better. Still coughing, but a little better!