Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving with the Sanders

Abigail enjoyed Thanksgiving by making turkeys for the family (in her princess dress!). We are not sure how many oreos and candy corn that she actually ate...we lost count!

Luke's first Thanksgiving...I think he enjoyed watching football with his Daddy!

We spent most of the day with Jeremy's mom. Here is Abigail helping Nana cook.



Unknown said...

I wish I got a Thanksgiving Turkey that Abigail made! Very CUTE pictures Michelle.

stephanie said...

Kaleb, LOVED the cookie. He was talking about it at breakfast. He said,
"cookie...thank you "A" "..... ummmmm....thank you "A"...."
As soon as i get my pictures downloaded you can see first hand how much he liked it...

Anonymous said...

I love Abigails sweet face. The first picture is really sweet.

Suzanne said...

Because Chandra's such a wimp, she won't make a comment that she'd like to know how you made the oreo turkeys.

Michelle said...

This is for you Chandra! I found the instructions on the internet. You use 1/2 of an oreo for the bottom of the turkey. You place icing on the oreo for glue and take another oreo and stand it up for the turkey's body. You put icing on the back of the oreo and spread out 5-6 candy corns for the turket feathers. You use a Whopper (malted milk ball) for the head and a red M&M for the waddle (Abigail got creative and chose to use another candy corn!). They were very easy and yummy!