Eli and Kaleb in front of the bear exhibit. No bears.
I'm not so sure why they have this at the Zoo, but we had a little fun with it.
Dad held Eli up to this berry tree.
Kaleb is going to be a rock climber some day. He climbed on every rock.
Eli riding on Pop's shoulders.
Looks like Kaleb knows what he is doing. Grandpa would be proud! He took all the grand kids to the field when we were young and he taught us how to drive a stick shift in his jeep.
Lunch time. Now I know why we always take our lunches. Kind of high on the food prices!
I thought this was a cute picture of Kaleb.
We wore him out!
Dad bought Kaleb this visor. He loved it. It was the only time the whole day Kaleb would smile at the camera! It's such a cute picture I think.