Sunday, December 24, 2006


OK, Matt and I need some help with teething. Eli only slept 3 hours last night and didn't sleep too much today. I put him down at around 8:20pm tonight and he woke up about 30 min. later and then put him back down and woke up about 15 min. later. He looks SO SO SO tired, but he's not sleeping well. He's had a fever on and off for about 3 days now and the doc said he looked fine and it was probably teeth. ANY IDEAS ON WHAT I CAN DO TO HELP HIM SLEEP???


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jan -
I am breaking a trend of never commenting but here goes nothing. Tylenol of course but my kids liked popsicles. They are nice and cold fun to eat and can help numb the mouth. Hopefully he will cut the teeth quickly and this will be short lived!!


stephanie said...

Wow Chandra, i am impressed. did you give an 8 month old a popsicle?

Unknown said...

I was about to ask the same question. Can you give an 8 month old one?

Anonymous said...

I think I did - hold it for them and just let them suck on it. Is that to young? I know that I have used the larger ice cubes that the refrigerator makes for them to suck on - popsicles just taste better

Brian and Marie Jobe said...

Hey, Jan! Have you ever tried the homeopathic teething tablets? You can get them at Kroger. They have worked well for our little munchins, as well as the Orajel and Tylenol to help the pain. :) Hope you find some. If you don't, I can sent you some from Savannah. They have seemed to work miracles!
Marie Jobe

stephanie said...

I used the teething tablets with Kaleb, too. I don't know if they worked, but I just do everything i can...tylenol...tablets...oragel...then at least i tried.....Don't worry Marie, they have them here! Jan just got two bottles, one for Eli and one for my Sophie :)