Wednesday, September 27, 2006

God really does know me

Kaleb is saying "bye - bye" to the afternoon nap. My exhaustion level is pretty high these days already, without the prospect of no rest for me during the day. So, after Michelle prompted me to pray about this, I asked God to make me EVER aware that Kaleb is a blessing. Yesterday afternoon, Kaleb was playing in the living room and I overhead him saying,"Stay Gog..fence.." He was playing his first game of pretend! Soon after, Kaleb and I were folding laundry andI was humming the Winnie the Pooh theme song. Kaleb said, "pooh". I then hummed Elmo's world and Kaleb said, "elmo" ...We were playing a riveting game of 'Name that tune'. I then tried to sing the Elmo song, leaving out a word and Kaleb filled it in..Elmo loves his..."FISH" Kaleb was singing with me! Instantly God reminded me that playing pretend and singing were two of the skills I was most eager for Kaleb to aquire. God is so kind to cause this to happen! Before i knew it I was weeping, worshipping God for his goodness! God truly does know us!

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